Public Relations Communications Specialist – HBFN

Please consider me in your search for a Public Relations and Communications Specialist.

After completing my Education degree at the University of Alberta (while also serving as a writer/production editor for the Students’ Union, Gateway), I joined The University of Calgary as a Communications Officer II. In that position, I worked with university administrators to develop and implement strategic communications plans for students, staff, faculty and the public. As co-editor of the bi-weekly, Gazette, I proofed the work of other writers and contributors and researched and wrote copy covering virtually all Faculties. I always sought to produce articles that would engage the reader. My article, New ways to slice the mapping pie and its accompanying commissioned illustration and my profile of new staff member, Beatrice Medicine, are two examples. I also supplied photography, illustration and design skills to further market the university to its various communities. 

After five years at the U of C, I accepted a position as a Journalism Instructor at Grant MacEwan University, teaching newswriting, photography, graphic design and mass media. Moving to Vancouver, I served as Western Editor for Canadian Forest Industries Magazine, providing copy on all aspects of the business including harvesting, safety and milling.

Settling in Nanaimo, I freelanced as a weekly reporter for The Nanaimo Business Examiner, writing business-related articles and worked as a reporter for the Nanaimo Free Press. My Nanaimo experience also included owning and operating Val-Pak, a direct-mail advertising franchise, where I provided customers an all-inclusive service: promotion design, leaflet printing, distribution, and redemption analysis. As owner, I negotiated all sales contracts.

In Campbell River, serving as the Marketing Manager for T-MAR Industries, I promoted the company’s existing inventory of logging products from log loaders to road builders to grapples and helped promote new product additions. My duties also included conducting customer surveys; producing advertising copy, brochures and videos; purchasing company swag and launching the company’s newsletter, The T-MAR Times. I also was project coordinator for the company’s participation in DEMO 2000, a “live forestry” exhibition in the B.C. interior.

A downturn in the forest industry led to 10 years overseas teaching art and later, mathematics, in Libya, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Norway, the UAE and Japan. Highlights of this period include a number of two-dimensional works and videos, that I wrote and produced, that include: a student illustrated video of my children’s story, The Apple of Albert’s Eye, in Saudi Arabia; a  short film, God is Love, made with my Emirati students in Al Ain, UAE; a documentary, Truck Logging in Africa, (which uses my voiceover skills) in Cameroon; the video introduction to a high school production of The Rocky Monster Show, in Jeddah and my video application for the position of Traveling Ambassador for Air Transat, in Dubai (which showcases my script writing, public speaking, video editing and music writing abilities).

Returning to Canada in 2012, I relocated to Prince George, BC and launched my WordPress website to highlight my creative abilities in writing, photography, art, music and video production. I use my blog and twitter (now known as X) account to promote my work and my belief in a better world. I have a working knowledge of MS Office (including PowerPoint), Illustrator, Photoshop, WordPress and Movie Studio

In Prince George, I worked in a number of positions, including as a Community Support Worker, Licensed Property Manager and as a volunteer in the Salvation Army’s food recovery program. 

Returning to my birth city, Edmonton, in April 2021, I secured summer employment at the Mustard Seed downtown church building as a part-time, casual Janitor through Bissell Employment. That fall, I served as a Janitor at the Mustard Seed administered homeless shelters at Knox Evangelical and Strathcona Baptist churches. When that temporary position ended in the spring, I joined Horizon North as a Janitor working at fire-base camps during the summer of 2022. I then worked for Horizon as an Industrial Janitor and Second Cook at the MEG Energy site at Conklin Alberta and as a Second Cook at the Cenovus Energy site near Fort MacMurray.

My most recent position was as a Facility Maintenance Worker for Edmonton’s Mustard Seed.

I believe my wealth of communications, writing and work experience gained in BC, Alberta and around the world, demonstrates a broad range of experience that makes me an excellent candidate for this position.

I’d also like to emphasize my life philosophy which lends itself well to HBFN’s interest in promoting its rightful place in Canadian society and the world. Simply put, that philosophy is that we are all part of the same creation and share the same Creator. That viewpoint is represented throughout my endeavors, whether in my wood carving, TEACH ONLY LOVE, or the thoughts of Albert Apple in my children’s book, The Apple of Albert’s Eye, when Albert states, “After all, we’re all part of the same tree.” It can also be found in my article, Assholes – Another Theory, in which I argue against the ideas presented by the Harvard educated philosophy professor, Aaron James in his book, Assholes**A Theory, where he argues there are a specific group of people (assholes) who are only worthy of our contempt and disdain. You might also be interested in my application for the position of Anti-Racism Coordinator for Edmonton’s Norquest College, in which I suggested they change the name of the position to Inclusion Coordinator. You can also find it in my work as a stand-up comedian.

Thank you for your time taken to consider my application and I’m hopeful we can meet to discuss the contribution I could make to HBFN in filling the important role of Public Relations and Communications Specialist.