Community Animator – SAGE

Please consider me in your search for a Community Animator. As my resume details, I have a wide range of experience in education; working with people in community service; marketing and communications and personal, creative expression, all of which, I believe, would contribute to my success in this role.

Born and raised in Edmonton, I completed my Art Education degree at the U of A, while also serving as a writer/production editor for the Students’ Union Gateway. I then joined The University of Calgary as a Communications Officer in the Public Affairs Office. Working with university administrators, I helped develop and implement communication initiatives to raise awareness and the profile of the U of C. As co-editor of the bi-weekly Gazette, I strove to create copy that covered university activities in an engaging way. My article on My article, New ways to slice the mapping pie and its accompanying commissioned illustration is an example, while my story on Beatrice Medicine, demonstrates my ability to write about personalities. In addition to my editorial work, I contributed my photography, illustration and design skills. I also completed U of C courses in Topics in Prairie Canada (with Grant MacEwan), Communications Research Methods and Canadian Art History.

After almost five years with the U of C, I accepted a position as a Journalism Instructor at Grant MacEwan and taught photojournalism, graphic design and news reporting. Moving to Vancouver, I joined Southam Business Communications as Western Editor for Canadian Forest Industries Magazine, providing copy on all aspects of the business including harvesting, safety and milling. Settling in Nanaimo I wrote for The Nanaimo Business Examiner and Nanaimo Daily Free Press and operated my own direct-mail advertising business for five years.

As Marketing Manager for forest equipment manufacturer T-MAR Industries, my duties included conducting  and analyzing customer surveys; producing advertising copy, brochures and videos; and launching the company’s newsletter, The T-MAR Times. I also designed the installation of the company’s annual booth at the Truck Loggers Convention in Vancouver.

A downturn in the industry led to 10 years overseas teaching in Libya, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Norway, the UAE and Japan. During this time, I was introduced to many different cultures and personal perspectives. Highlights of this period include the co-authoring of a series of mathematics workbooks and several video productions: the student-illustrated video of my children’s story, The Apple of Albert’s Eye, in Saudi Arabia; God is Love, in Al Ain with my Emirati students; a documentary, Truck Logging in Africa, in Cameroon; and my video application for the position of Traveling Ambassador for Air Transat, shot in Dubai.

Returning to Canada in 2012, I located in Prince George, BC and launched my WordPress website to showcase my creative abilities in writing, photography, art, music and video production. I use my website and blog to promote my belief in an inclusive world based solely on Love, which I believe has no opposite. My Happy Face Series, TEACH LOVE and Spirit of Prince George, 2015 are just three examples of my work that visualizes that belief.

While in Prince George, I worked as a Community Support Worker for Thompson Community Services and as Residential Care Worker for the Prince George Association for Community Living (AiMHi) and helped my clients with their physical and cognitive challenges. I did my best to provide them with recreational activities and to connect them with community services. During this time, I also worked as a Licensed Property Manager and volunteered in the Salvation Army’s food recovery program.

Returning to Edmonton in 2021, I joined the Mustard Seed organization as a part-time custodian and that winter, I worked in Mustard Seed run homeless shelters. In April 2022, I joined Horizon North as a janitor. My first postings were in various firebase camps where I cleaned the facilities, washed dishes and helped unload and stock groceries. When fire season ended, I trained for and worked as an Industrial Janitor and later applied for and accepted a position in the kitchen at the MEG Energy site near Conklin. I am currently a Second Cook for Cenovus Energy in Fort McMurray.

While all this was happening, I helped to raise four children and somehow became a senior myself. I have no intention of slowing down. I am a member of Edmonton’s Interfaith Society and the Alberta Craft Council (where I’ve applied for a solo exhibition), commune regularly with my spiritual study group, am working on a large painting, always writing, working with a producer to record a new song and continue to develop my plans to make the world a happier place, most recently by developing a line of clothing using the famous symbol. Oh, and did I mention I’m doing this while working 10-hour days two weeks in, one week at home?

I sincerely believe that I can help SAGE in its efforts to build stronger community connections for seniors, not only so they can enjoy their lives more but also so that the knowledge resource they represent can be used to contribute to the community. I hope you agree. Leadership, using the old cliché, is set by example. What better example for your Community Animator than an animated senior who believes Love has no opposite and that, despite its seeming tragedies, life is a dynamic and energetic opportunity to be experienced as fully as possible?

I hope you agree and suggest we meet to discuss how I could help SAGE in filling this important role.